Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exam for teori of cake..

Today is the exam day..! so i went to class...well...i'm slightly abit late..
Hope the class havent started yet...Anyway...after we get the a objective...
Oh no! all is pratical..but half of it was the stuff i make swiss roll and others..
and we mark it wonder la no one ever fail...every one behind was copying each other...
i never copy! and i get 8 per 10..
I think my college exam is so much better than in my high school..

After that we having pratical..baking cheese cake..
The cake was.. == i don't like it...
but it took 1 and a half hour to steam it..
we were done at 6 tired..
i quickly rush to my car....Jamming already!
And i'm dam hungry..
But then my car out of battery.. :'(
At last it break down...and i'm on fire till my car were lock inside..
i got no spare ==
Ai wait my dad till 7 plus..he gave me a car to drove back..
i don't know the way back...and when i'm out to federal was so so so jam...;'(
so i reach home at 8 plus...bath and everything...ATE MY DINNER AT LAST!
practising my presentation...then went out to wings cafe..
originaly we were going to cheras OUG the longgest pasar malam..but then because i need to get back home earlier so we went to wing's..
but we end it up and i reach home at 1 plus..
So tired and sleepy....After i prepare everything for my Presentation then i straight went to sleep...

WHat a Bad day i had...

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