Saturday, May 17, 2008

Success honey biscuit... :)

Althought it not that nice and creative..But it taste great..><
I love honey smell...and the feeling of bitting the biscuit...
"crack the sound " ...the feeling of chewing it..

Ingredients :

1.Butter 80g
2.Sugar 60g
3.Egg 40g
4.honey 35g
5.Ap flour 200g
6.Baking soda 1g

1.Add butter ,egg,sugar in..beat it..
2.Add honey..
3.Add Ap flour and baking soda ...
4.Put in fridge for about half an hour..
5.Preheat the oven for 170'c..
6.Bake it 170'c for 25 minit (Rest it oven for 10 minit )

I Reduce the sugar and add more honey..brings the flavour and less sweetness...
You will get a light gold colour and hard cookies...and IS DONE!
You can smell the honey smell from far away...><
Nice and easy...Great..cookies HERE I COME!

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