Monday, May 12, 2008

Stupid replacement class...

Today teori of bread class start at 10....i dont' know!
of cause i started to drive that time..i went to pump oil...then my friend message me say that the class started already...From USJ i fly car to my college...
The way i drive is so dangerous..Thank God i'm save..><
When i reach...Alot of people wasn't here yet...
no one know about it because they never tell us..

They suddenly say wednesday 10 start class ...and then friday got replacment class from 3 to 5...and maybe our exam will be on that day...
Helo..!! what kind of college is this...they never inform they simply put the replacement class when ever they were free...
i'm not free at friday..!! Got something important to do..!
i have decide...i won't come on friday for the teori class!
Last time the computer class also not 1 came plus even the monitar sleeping in the dorm...
If the next time still like that..i'm going to complain to office d ==...

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