Friday, May 16, 2008

Choc ice-cream

I just came back from school...and is a very hot day...
i wanted to try something i decide to make ice cream..

Here's the recepies...

Milk -1 cup

Choc milk - 1/2 cup (I replace it with milk + melted dark choc )

Egg yolk - 2

Sugar 150 gram

Corn floor-4g

cocoa powder-24g

Light whipping cream-442.5gram.. ( 1 1/2 cup )

Any raisan ..chop chip or biscuit can be added...

1.Cook the milk and choc milk ..not too hot..

2.Beat Egg yolk and sugar..

3.Then pour in the milk...

4.Then pour in the flour..beat till even..Then cook it...Whisk till it like A pieces a pieces..

5.Take out and cold it in cold water...

6.Whipping cream added slowly..and beat..

7.Put in bowl..Put raisan or choc chip or choc syrup or choc rice or cream..what ever you wanted to add in..

8.Freeze it in the freezer..every 1 hour take it out and shake it..Then put it back again...Till it looks like a ice cream..then is done..

Mine is looks so creamy...But is very sweet....The next time i think i will reduce the sugar...But it tasty..althought i don't like
choc ice-cream much...

1 comment:

~LynN~ said...

ur ice cream looks like very tasty leh... i wan to eat~!! haha..